Follow Your LEED

Buildings aren’t just structures with four walls, floor and ceiling. The East River Park is one of many infrastructure projects in our city. But what makes a structure green?

Now located across the street from Fearless Girl, the US Green Building Council created the most used buildings tally system, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design checklist.  154,000 buildings and counting. Inhabitat has interesting examples.

Here’s a LEED category quick list.

Only California has more gross square feet LEED certified than New York.

Here are some lists:

Let’s start by thinking about NYC buildings:

180 Maiden Lane
LEED Checklist
This SL Green building also received EPA EnergyStar certification.

Sited at the downtown Seaport, connected to the East River Greenway, 180 Maiden received 13/15 checks for Alternative commuting transportation (SSc4)

It also received 4/18 Optimize energy efficiency performance (EAc1)

I found this building interesting because when I walk out of the building I work at, I can walk to it in 5 minutes.


    40 responses to “Follow Your LEED”

    1. 180 Maiden Lane
      LEED Checklist
      This SL Green building also received EPA EnergyStar certification.

      Sited at the downtown Seaport, connected to the East River Greenway, 180 Maiden received 13/15 checks for Alternative commuting transportation (SSc4)

      It also received 4/18 Optimize energy efficiency performance (EAc1)

    2. HGA “ Lockdown Showdown “ – High priority sight

    3. Melvin Neri Avatar
      Melvin Neri

      The Via Verde’s Greenway achieves the Renewable Energy Production from Energy and Atsmophere section as has a 66kW integrated photovoltaic system, vegetable gardens, and rainwater harvesting.

    4. The Visionare – Rainwater Management

    5. The Schermerhorn – Heat Island effect

    6. HGA lowdown showdown- indoor environmental quality management

    7. The Arbor House – Heat Island

    8. The Schermerhorn
      the second floor green roof terrace serves to minimize heat island effect. Energy efficient systems and materials are incorporated throughout the building.

    9. HGA “ Lockdown Showdown “ – High priority sight

    10. New Arbor House Apartment
      Constructed using local and recycled materials, features a living green wall, air filtration systems, outdoor exercise areas and out door artwork by local children, building also boasts decorative metal screens

    11. Arbor House Rooftop Farm:
      – Construction activity pollution prevention
      -Construction and demolition waste management
      -Light pollution reduction
      -Rainwater management
      -Heat island reduction

    12.  Avatar

      The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center(MGHPCC) was the first university awarded LEED platinum certification, with one recognized green element being it’s hot aisle containment that reduced the distance between the computers and the cooling units improving general cooling efficiency.


      Rcources and material are really good everything is renovated

      Energy efficient systems for heating, cooling, lighting, and controls
      Occupancy sensors are used in offices and conference rooms

      The exterior masonry walls and structural components were repaired and restored
      88% of the structure was reused

      Low-flow lavatory faucets and showerheads
      Dual-flush toilets

    14. The HGA’s “lowdown Showdown” is a green building that can collect energy and produce it back into the building like the solar panels on the roof, they extend out past the building to maximize the energy it collects from the sun. the building also has a lot of timber and uses very little carbon. they also have a sewer heat recovery system which reduces the heat from the sewer. the hvac system also burns the minimal use of fossil fuels.

    15. Via Verde’s Greenway – NC FIVE (

    16. The Schermerhorn
      the second floor green roof terrace serves to make the heat island less so the building won’t get overly heated. Throight the building there are Energy efficient systems and materials incorporated

    17. HGA lowdown showdown – Renewable energy production

    18. New Arbor House Apartment
      Rooftop Farm day light , recycled materials and air filtration

    19. New Arbor House features a living green wall and air filtration systems

    20.  Avatar

      The building that incorporated a rooftop farm was a great was of using and directing the heat from the sunlight somewhere else. Instead of the sunlight heating up the building to a great extent they shield the roof of the building and help produce food.

    21. 441 Ninth Ave, Manhattan NY, Hudson Commons
      Indoor Air Quality

    22. arbor roof top reduce light pollution
      environmental friendly waste management

    23. arbor roof top
      environmental friendly waste management

    24. Arbor house – stair and rooftop farm

    25. Arbor House
      It was built using local and recycled products and the construction waste was recycled and diverted from landfills.

    26. The Stack Modular Building – Innovative Design with small carbon footprint. It was created with far fewer raw materials than traditional construction methods. It’s an aesthetically pleasing building that makes a strong visual statement that reflects the building’s unique means to existence. In addition, the modular construction method rapidly accelerates the production schedule, completing buildings in virtually half the time of the traditional on-site process.

    27. Vias Verde’s Greenway- Nc FIVE ( NC Five was designed to Enterprise Green Communities (EGC) standards. EGC ensures that the building is highly energy efficient, well-insulated, and well-sealed against leaks and drafts from the outside. It achieves the Renewable Energy Production from Energy.

    28. Arbor house rooftop :
      Rainwater management
      Recycled items

    29.  Avatar

      The schermerhorn has a green roof therefore it causes heat island reduction and rainwater management.

    30. Arbor House Rooftop Farm
      was constructed using local and recycled materials and features a living green wall, air-filtration systems, outdoor exercise areas and artwork

    31. 174 Grand Street (GreenHomeNYC),
      leed- location and transportation, water efficiency, indoor environmental quality,

    32. The Stack – LEED for neighborhood development locations

    33. 125 Broad Street:
      – Sustainable Sites
      – Water Efficiency
      – Energy and Atmosphere
      – Materials and Resources
      – Indoor Environmental Quality

    34. 125 Broad Street:
      Sustainable Sites
      Water Efficiency
      Energy and Atmosphere
      Materials and Resources
      Indoor Environmental Quality

    35. arbor roof top
      environmental friendly waste management which I doesn’t harm the environment

    36. HGA renewable energy production