Monday Final!

PLEASE NOTE: There are two send buttons on this page, the first one for the first two pages, the second for all the rest. The last page (percentages) is OPTIONAL.

501 505 509 512 515
502 506 510 513 516
503 507 511 514 517
504 508

    Page #1: Ruler Measurements

    Page #9: More/Less Than

      Page #3: Nail Penetration & Screw Bits

      Page #4-5: Green Math

      Page #6: Blueprints

      Page #7 – Resistor Codes

      Resistor 49

      Resistor 50

      Resistor 51

      Resistor 52

      Total (53)

      Page #8 – Percentages OPTIONAL

      and finally…

      This class, in many ways, represents an end to a large number of my classes, starting from May 2020, my first class after COVID hit. Any thoughts, observations, critiques, will be appreciated. I enjoyed this class, and hope to make my future classes more enjoyable, with your feedback.

      Enjoy your summer!